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One World One Heart – Meet fellow bloggers!

The WINNER is ……. Yasmintoo.etsy.com  and you can find her blog here

Congratulations!   Thank you so much to everyone who stopped by and commented on my blog …..I will be revisiting and connecting with more of you wonderful folks.  Thank you to Lisa for such a Wonderful Event and for all her hard work!!!

Welcome and thank you for stopping by!   This is the first year I am participating in this fun and exciting event called “One World One Heart” for an opportunity to meet other bloggers across the world!  The Magic Carpet holders joining along in this magical event each have chosen an item to give away as a prize to a lucky person.  I have included the logo and link for more details.


 One World One Heart 

                                               Make sure to check it out!

My giveaway is a set of Creative Crafty pot holders that can be used to protect those creative crafty fingers of yours as you cook up some delicious meals!  Included in the set are two hot pads embroidered with a positive saying – one “I am Crafty” and the other “I am Creative”. 

Both embroidered with “I am Happy” on the reverse side. 

The oven mitt has “I Love Life”  embroidered on it.  The set is 3 items – 2 hot pads along with the oven mitt.  All the items are assemblied using Insul-Bright for added protection.

On February 15th I will pick one lucky winner who will receive this creative crafty gift!   What you need to do is leave a comment and a means to contact you should you be the winner.  You can either leave a link to your own blog as contact information or your email address.  If you would rather not post your email address you can send it privately to mailbox@therunninggarlic.com and I will receive it there.  The cutoff time to leave a comment will be 9 AM (my time) on February 15th.

I will be checking out all the amazing blogs participating in this event and hopefully win some cool prizes along the way and make some great friends!

Once again Thank You for taking the time to stop by and best of luck with the giveaway and all your life ambitions!

288 Responses

  1. These are fabulous – my pot holders are looking very sad in my kitchen -please include me in your giveaway and do come visit my blog to see my giveaway!
    Britt in Western Australia

  2. Fun stop on the Magic Carpet Ride!
    Kathy over at Everyday Bliss

  3. Awesome give away!

  4. ‘One World One Heart’ is so much fun… visiting new blogs, meeting creative people, making friends,…

    The pot holders are GREAT!! Someone, somewhere is going to be very happy with your lovely giveaway…I can only dream it’s me! 🙂

    Greetings from Belgium,
    Saskia 🙂

  5. WOW, I need new pot holders, please count me in. I hope you can drop by my blog for a visit too. Have fun and enjoy the ride!!!


  6. Too cool! Makes going into the kitchen OK! Wonderful giveaway that I would love to have! Please enter me!
    I am #156 on the Magic Carpet Ride:
    PS I’ll be out of the country and away from the internet from the 14th-20th. If I am lucky enough to win, hold that prize for me!!! LOL!

  7. Wonderful giveaway! 🙂

  8. Wow, exactly what an absent-minded artist needs! A little affirmation, and a little protection from that absent mind.;)

    Happy OWOH!

    I love your blog name, ever so btw! It’s what really brought me over.;)

  9. Of course I’d love to win your lovely pot holders 🙂 So please include me in your drawing!
    Have fun riding that Magic Carpet!

    Greetings from Germany

  10. I love the crafty potholders! Thanks for offering this great gift and Thanks so much for a chance to win! chiggerlane@aol.com

  11. These are simply perfect. They are exactly the color of my kitchen. Feel free to enter my giveaway, too.

  12. That is great cos I love to create in the kitchen, fabulous idea x

    OWOH #82

  13. These are so fun! What a great idea!

  14. Love these! Hope I win.

  15. Greetings from Moldova!
    What a nice set!!!
    Thanks for the chance to win!
    OWOH #138

  16. What a fun idea! Never heard of this – glad I stopped by.

  17. lovely potholders – please enter me into the giveaway 🙂 feel free to come by my blog here and i hope you enjoy the rest of your magic carpet ride 🙂

  18. What cute pot holders. Great giveaway. Please add my name to the drawing.

  19. Great giveaway! Thanks so much for having this. Pop over to my blog for a chance to win, too! 🙂

  20. I love potholders and these are lovely! Please enter me!

  21. Ooo, I just love your blog and your giveaway. Please enter me in the drawing. And thank so much for visiting my blog and entering my giveaway too. Isn’t this ride fun?

  22. These are lovely. Please include me! Drop by mine too!

  23. Lovely! please count me in and do feel free to visit my blog as well.

  24. Please include me in your wonderful giveaway. Thank you for this opportunity to join in on the fun!

  25. Nice giveaway… I was just thinking that I might need to make myself some new hotpads. Now I’ll wait and see if I win!

  26. Love them! Please include me 🙂

  27. How fun are these! I would love to have my name added to your drawing.

  28. Great giveaway! Please enter my name! Pop over to my blog (#92 on the magic carpet) for a chance to win, too! 🙂

  29. What a beautiful nice idea.

    Grat wishes from Vienna/Austria


  30. really? Those are so great, I’d be very happy and lucky to win so please count me in. 🙂 Thanks for the opportunity.

  31. I love the potholders! There so very cute and thanks for the wonderful giveaway.

  32. I love to cook so these would be perfect for me..please enter me.

  33. We have to protect our crafty hands!

    I’m participating for the first time, too, so please stop by my blog.

  34. what a beautiful giveaway, please count me in.

    Why not pop over to my blog and join in my giveaway too.


  35. Hi nice gift. I actually need these. LOL Thanks for the opportunity. Please visit my blog as well.


  36. Beautiful and very useful, Please enter me into your giveaway. Linda:)

  37. These are awesome! I run the embroidery dept of a local company as my full time job. I love how you put the embroidery in these. You did a good job making them. What a “handy” prize! I’m always searching for a hot pad and never finding one. Sometimes I’ll grab a t-shirt or a bath towel out of the dryer. I can sew, I just never think about hot pads until I need one now and then it’s too late, LOL. Anyway, it’s good to meet you! I hope you have a happy day!

  38. I’d love to enter and you can enter on my blog as well.

  39. these are just lovely thanks for the giveaway

  40. I love your lovely oven cloths and mitt, and I need some new ones. Please put me in the draw.

    I am stopover #70 on the Magic Carpet Ride, please come on by, visit and leave a comment for a chance to win my gift too.

  41. What a lovely Give away you are offering ,thankyou for the opportunity to win it! Please visit my blog too!
    Greetings from Australia

  42. I am going to be greedy ans so hope I win these! They are FANTASTIC!

  43. What a lovely prize. Please enter me! If you have time – pop over to #270 to enter mine.

  44. Such a lovely giveaway. I just love One World One Heart, thanks for entering me in your giveaway. Please stop by and enter mine.


  45. Those are so cute, and what an improvement they’d be over what I’ve got now…

    My giveaway is for one of my fine art photographs, I’d love you to drop by.

  46. Wonderful pot holders! I can always use more!
    Visit my blog for my OWOH giveaway too!

  47. These are great! Please include me and join too!

  48. These are wonderful! A great set! Do you think they’d go with my orange kitchen? !!!! I do!

  49. Wonderful and practical!
    I need kitchen accessories that remind me to bring my artistic self into my food preparation. It seem such a lesser chore.
    Thank you for hopping aboard the magic carpet ride. I hope you get a chance to visit me on your tour (blog #258)
    hugs from ON,Canada

  50. Oh I just cannot BELIEVE that you have so much garlic! I have been trying forever to cultivate that Italian one ~ a kindred woman of the Earth! TY so much for stopping by mine ( #327) and for offering these treasures!

    Nancy & Angus

  51. These would be perfect for my hobby room where I’m always scrambling to find something to pull my clay stuff out of the oven with. Please enter me in the draw.

  52. Thank you for a chance to win such a great offering!!
    OWOH #473

  53. Very cute giveaway. Please count me in!


  54. these are wonderful and who ever wins them will think of you every day!

  55. I would love the opportunity to win this giveaway.

    Renee xoxo

  56. These are so creative….I love them!

  57. Very nice! Count me in! Thanks a lot! I’d love to win this! :]

  58. What a fabulous giveaway. Please enter my name, thank you.

  59. Stupendously cheeky–love it! Thanks for hosting this giveaway!

  60. How very clever! Please count me in and drop by my blog too.

  61. Great giveaway! Count me in. 🙂

    You can visit me (I’m #252 on the list) at http://nelliebugs-swaps.blogspot.com

    I am giving away a set of hand-made soaps as well as a custom tutu! Hope to see you there, good luck!

  62. Please count me in your wonderful drawing 🙂

  63. OMG the mits would be great in my house! So fitting for me not my significant other 🙂 Thank you for the chance to win! It’s nice to meet you and don’t forget to come visit me too. I’m #391 on OWOH.
    Thanks! Monica

  64. Pretty potholder set! I am in need of some new ones! Something I never purchase for myself! Thansk for the opportunity! #415


  65. I love these potholders!! Please enter me in the drawing

  66. what a fun giveaway! thanks for the opportunity. I too am hostessing a giveaway I hope you’ll stop by. So nice to meet you.

  67. Please enter me in your draw! Also pop over to my blog, have a browse around and enter my give away. I’m number 303 on the magic carpet 🙂

  68. Wonderful! Thank you so much for the chance! HBKHotie1@msn.com

  69. Thank you for the opportunity to win this amazing gift! Please enter my drawing. I’m #387 on tha magic carpet!

  70. Greetings & Salutations,
    Fabulous OWOH Giveaway!
    Forbidden Planet Giveaway #242 On The List @:

    Cosmic Blessings, Lyndy Ward

  71. These are so cool Please enter me 🙂

  72. Jumping up and down, pick me, pick me!!! hehe Please enter me in your giveaway! Make sure you come enter mine as well, I’m #116:) Thank you!! xox

  73. My poor pot holders look awful – I’ve used them so much…

    I would love to win this giveaway…

    I’m #16 on the list – so come by and visit me…

    nhsarab at yahoo dot com

  74. A lovely gift.Please enter me. Such fun…m.

  75. Lovely, please include me in your draw & visit me at #60.

  76. Oh wow, I just love your pot holders!!! Please enter my name into your drawing.

    Please stop by and enter your name into my giveaway – #548. Thanks,

  77. I love to win this, very nice.

  78. Such an awesome giveaway! Please count me in. Also, please stop by my blog and enter my OWOH giveaway when you get a moment; I’m #56.

  79. Ooh! I like these! Never seen any embroidered with sayings, so these are extra special! Please add me in on this!

  80. Oooh! Yes please! That would save my poor fingers, I really need to make some new ones for myself, but everyone else always needs something more important!
    I’m intruiged by your title…why does the Garlic Run? or is it like a chicken joke? Why did the garlic run? Because it saw the salad dressing…

  81. Please count me in…:) You are more than welcome to stop by and take part in our giveaway too… Thank you! samjerus(at)yahoo.com

  82. Woot! Count me in please!! I’d love to win something practical and gorgeous!! I’ve bookmarked your blog too – have to come check out the garlic section and some recipes! Rosie


  83. Oh sign me up…I will be back..starting my first garden this year and my first time doing the owoh.


  84. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by MrBrownThumb and MrBrownThumb, Running Garlic. Running Garlic said: Join in the FUN! https://therunninggarlic.wordpress.com/2010/01/25/one-world-one-heart-meet-fellow-bloggers/ Blogging Event – pls RT […]

  85. These are FABULOUS…love the messages on them! Please enter my name in your drawing 🙂 What a FUN event…enjoy the ride!!

    Angie–Southeast, Texas #57

  86. These would be perfect in my studio when I am working with the clay . They are so beautiful. Love the sentiments. Thanks for the chance to win these.

  87. Those are beautiful. I love the colors!
    Thanks for sharing.
    Good luck, hope you win a prize or two yourself.

  88. Your work is lovely and thank you for visiting me.

  89. I enjoyed exploring your blog
    your recipes sound delicious and the puppy setting on top of mom is so cute.
    beautiful give away love the saying on them
    I am having a lot of fum flying from blog to blog on the magic carpet. it will take me forever to get thru all the entries since i am spending time on each on enjoying everyones creativity
    carolyn h

  90. Nice giveaway, I would love to be included;-))

    Gaby from Germany

  91. Thanks for the chance of winning your lovely giveaway – I wish I could be as creative in the kitchen as I am in the craft room! Maybe your prize would help inspire me! Hope you can pop over to my blog too


    Sherry from England, UK

  92. what a beautiful set of mitts! Please PICK ME to win in your giveaway drawing! thank you.
    I will back to visit after the event.

  93. Such a lovely give away; your are so generous. So pleased to have the chance to win 🙂
    Please hop on the magic carpet and see my blog on your way through this fascinating world !

  94. I have a dedicated toaster oven in my studio for my clay work and these would be perfect!! I seem to have worn a hole the ones I am currently using 🙂
    Please enter me in your giveaway.

  95. Fantastic blog name. Thanks for stopping by my OWOH blog stop. Count me in.

  96. Lovely items. Thank you!

  97. What a fun idea! Please enter me, and be sure to stop by my giveaway. #203

  98. Please enter me in the draw and don’t forget to enter mine.

  99. My potholders are looking pretty ratty….these would be a welcome addition to my kitchen!!

    Come on over and enter my drawing as well…#515

  100. oooh these are utterly fabulous!!! The perfect addition to any crafty kitchen!! Count me innnnn!

  101. what a SUPERB giveaway! How did you know I love to Bake?! LOL

    My blog is under construction,but I’d love to be included anyway.

    Greeting from the Jersey Shore!

  102. What a great crafty giveaway!

  103. Cute! Our fingers are vital for crafty goodness!! I hope I win….feel free to visit my giveaway, too! (#487)

  104. Beautiful giveaway! I enjoyed visiting! I’m having too much fun traveling the world on the Magic Carpet Ride. If you can, pop on over I’m #395 on the list.

  105. What a fab giveaway! 🙂 count me in please! pop over to my blog and enter mine too i’m #328



  106. Lovely,lovely! I would love to be entered to win your wonderful gift!


    Please stop by and enter my give away as well! I’m number 290.

  107. how clever you are. please include me in the draw. my blog is http://paperfanatic.blogspot.com/

  108. these would look wonderful in my kitchen….

  109. Very nice count me in please!

  110. what a great giveaway, I’d love to win!

  111. Very cute! I could use those! I have nothing to spice up my kitchen, and those would totally help 🙂

  112. Those are awesome. I could really use some too. If you saw my set you would be appalled!

  113. I’m due for new hot pads and oven mitts! I would love a chance to win this.
    Sophie in Montreal

  114. Wow, do I need new hot pads! Please enter my name in your drawing.


  115. I love this contest, it’s fun to see all these wonderful blogs that are new to me! Great prize!

  116. Count me in…
    Cath Ü # 640

  117. I love these pot holders. Count me in and please visit my blog too. #657


  118. Great prizes – please enter my name and visit my blog and sign up as well. Thanks!

  119. Love it……..please count me in…and come by to see mine on my blog 🙂

  120. I’m trying not to fall as I am “running with scissors” on this carpet ride. Please enter me.
    Terisa #104

  121. Those are so great.
    Please enter my name in your drawing. I invite you to visit my blog to enter my drawing.

  122. Thank you for a chance to win such a great offering!!
    It’s nice to meet you, I’d be glad you come visit me at my blog and participate in my own giveaway !
    OWOH #240. http://titbelsoeur.blogspot.com/

  123. Great giveaway, the wording on the items really fits in with our world. Wow, another great blog on this magic carpet ride.

  124. Nice to meet you and visit your blog! Love this giveaway! I am having so much fun looking at all the wonderful blogs. I don’t have a blog, due to arthritis I cannot type much at all but I enjoy surfing the net. Thank you for a chance to win.

  125. I’m completely torn between creating textiles and working in my garden. I love doing both. Looks like you might too! OWOH

  126. Thanks for stopping in at my blog, stitchesbyjulie. I love the pot holers…and would love any and all of them!! Your dishes look yummy! :)) Making me hungry.

  127. Pretty and functional! Please enter me in your giveaway and come on over to mine-#35 and enter mine if you like.

  128. What a wonderfully useful, creative gift! Please visit me; I’m number 211.

  129. Very Cute! What a cleaver idea! Thanks for sharing!!!

    Stop on over and enter my little’s blogs giveaway!!

    Washington State

  130. These look great! Thanks so much for stopping by my blog!

  131. I am so delighted to meet all of the wonderful blogs along the Magic Carpet Ride excursion! I am having so much fun meeting new people who are of like kind in so many ways. Your work is beautiful and I would love to be entered in your drawing. Please stop by to enter my beaded bracelet giveaway!
    Sharon (#52)

  132. Please count me in…
    Cath Ü #640

  133. I love the colors on these.
    I’d love to be entered in your drawing. Stop by my blogs to be entered in mine.


  134. Great giveaway – please count me in!! Thank you so much for visint my blog on your magic carpet ride.

    Cindy #603

  135. useful giveaway! Count me in. You can visit me too if you have the time (#481)

  136. Love the name of your blog! And your giveaway is wonderful, too. Come visit my blog for a giveaway prize, too.

    Kathy V in NM
    Artful Muse (#513 OWOH)

  137. Well, I do love to bake, so these would definitely get used in my house!

    Hello from Coronado, CA.

  138. Please enter my name in the hat

  139. what a ** HOT ** give-a-way.. thanks for the
    opportunity at them.. t c

  140. Excellent giveaway! Please enter my name.

    #711 on the list 🙂

  141. What a wonderful giveaway, please add me in the fun.
    Please visit me #427
    Hugs, Laura.

  142. Thanks for the giveaway!!

  143. Oh, what a wonderful giveaway. I love them, and really love the extra touch of the positive sayings on each one! Thank you so much for visiting my blog, and do enter my name in yours. I wanted to sign up to follow your blog but could not find anywhere on your blog to do so, and I do not follow twitter. I will add your URL to my blog roll, so I can follow you, love your blog.

    Sandra #146

  144. Cute sayings that are so good to be reminded of! and such a *Handy* prize, I could really use them too!

  145. Beautiful and useful! Wonderful.
    Please enter me in your give away. Thanks!

  146. I love your giveaway. Thanks for the chance to win them.

  147. Oh my gosh, I love this. SO cute!

  148. The pot holders are fabulous! I love them.
    Thank you for playing in OWOH.
    Nice to meet you.

  149. What fun ovenmits! Thank you for offering them!
    I’m so glad that you are a part of One World One Heart this year! Please do enter my name in your giveaway and stop by my post as well, if you have not already had the chance. http://www.thelightifind.blogspot.com

  150. oh I so much need this cool giveaway! I love cook (among everything else!)
    I’ll look more around your blog! xx

  151. Would love to be included….love the giveaway!

    Take care,

  152. I am always in need of potholders. What a great giveaway. I’d love a chance to win.

  153. Very pretty and handy. Pop over to #710 soon.

  154. Oh, these oven mitts and pot holders are so pretty … and love the positive words on them! Thank you for hosting this giveaway and being a part of OWOH! And … it’s very nice to “meet” you!

    Small Footprints
    reducefootprints (at) gmail (dot) com

  155. What nice gifts ! Please enter me ♥

    Missy ~ Winnipeg , Canada

  156. I love the way you embroidered them. Please include me.

    Magic Carpet #460
    Southern Illinois
    prpldy@comcast dot net

  157. Thank you for entering my giveaway as well! Would love to have these!

  158. I love nice potholders….yours are cool. Please enter me in your giveaway.

  159. Please include me! I love these!

  160. Love these! Please include my name and come on over to my blog for a visit:0)

  161. Enter me please.

    june_spirit2628 at hotmail dot com

  162. Please enter me in your lovely drawing:) Stop over to mine if you haven’t had a chance. Blessings Jenna Louise

  163. so sweeeet!! lovely offering!!
    please count me in & come by & enter my giveaway #774

  164. I like your potholders! I got cheese all over mine and had to throw them out, so I could use a new set!
    Waxela (wa-shay-la)

  165. your giveaway is lovely and I would be quite happy to win it,lol I have really enjoyed looking at your blog and all your pretty posts,. thank you for sharing, love from Glenda

  166. Hi from Canada! Wow! I love your pot holders! Stop by our blog if you haven’t yet, for a chance to win a heart brooch-pendant original — we are #329

  167. Wonderful blog and giveaway thanks for visiting me…please add me!!!

  168. Love, love, love those potholders! I would love to win. I also love this idea and plan to put my giveaway on my blog later today!

  169. Great potholders. Just what I really need as I keep burning my fingers with mine!

  170. Cute, I would love to enter, please..

  171. Great Prizes! Please add me to your drawing and thank you for your generosity

  172. What a great give-away event!, you make beautiful things!

    greetings from the Netherlands!

  173. Here I am on my Magic Carpet visiting all the wonderful Blogs that are participating! Thank you for the opportunity to win your giveaway!
    If you have not done so already ride your Magic Carpet over to #136 and enter my giveaway!

    Happy New Year & Artful Blessings,

  174. Swooped in from Alabama on my magic carpet today. This truly is a wonderful adventure Lisa has sent us all on. So many miles apart but with so many things in common.

    OMGOSH..I could so use some new potholders.Please put my name in the hat.

    When you take your next ride please come by and sit a spell at my place #760 look around and enter for one of my treasures.


  175. Hi, what a lovely idea and post you have. I love the pot holders. They would look so good in my kitchen. You’re are so talented. I’d love to win. I absolutely love your gift. Please take time to visit my blog, too, for a chance to win my book, 16 x MOM: A Mastery of Motherhood. I’m working on getting all the country flags. I promise to revisit your’s too.


  176. ohhh yippeee I can’t tell you how badly I need new potholders.

    Thanks so much

  177. I would use these babies daily! Great giveaway. #276

  178. These are beautiful. plus my mom could really use them. She constantly burns herself. What a wonderful giveaway! I need to investigate your blog further 🙂 Thanks for the chance. You can find my post and giveaway at http://twinkietinydog.blogspot.com/2010/01/one-world-one-heart.htmlOWOH #351

  179. aloha,

    come and visit if you have a chance and like tropicals and ooh i also like pot holders, mine are getting pretty ratty…

  180. super creative giveaway! i love the affirmations printed on them.

  181. Love the potholders. Please enter me into your drawing. I would love to win them.

  182. Thanks for the chance to win.

  183. So beautiful! Please do count me in. I bake, teach my daughter to do so too and both of us would love to have them!

    Do drop by my other giveaway too – #620

  184. these are soooo cute!

    Thanks for the opportunity to win!
    Sandy Hubbard
    OWOH #823

  185. I´ll be happy to join your giveaway!
    Please visit mine as well!
    Susan nr 821 on the Magic Carpet Ride

  186. Just stopping by to say Hi! Nice giveaway! Do fly over and visit me. #332

  187. Please include me in your draw….I love these potholders!!!! thanks for visiting my blog too…..Melinda

  188. What a great giveaway, please add me and feel free to come to my blog too.

  189. Very nice! Please add my name. If you get a chance, stop by. I’m 274 on the list.

  190. Very cool pot holders and who can’t use some nice new ones. My husband will make good use of them. 😉 He loves to cook. Thanks for visiting my blog.

  191. What a clever giveaway – love the phrases. Please count me in!

    And I hope that you will stop by Foxy G’s Den of i-KNIT-quity, #113 on the Magic Carpet Ride: http://bit.ly/8lvmSC ♥ and register to win one of three hand crocheted scarves.

  192. What a thoughtful giveaway. I would love to be entered.

    thanks so much.

  193. Beautiful work – please enter me.

    #834 & 835

  194. I don’t own any pot holders, would love to win, thank you
    Tanya #828

  195. Enter me please! My current pot holders are in dire need of replacement! Love the garden themed blog give-away idea.. will have to read more on that one. So happy you found my OWOH post and visited earlier.. this is so much fun and I’m finding the greatest blogs and people in my travels! 🙂

  196. Please enter me! #813 x

  197. Hello, nice to meet you and visit your blog! Please enter me in your giveaway, I have just submitted mine so please visit my blog to enter!

  198. Hello , very pleased to meet you in this magical way. Your gifts are practical and fun!


  199. Hi from Las Vegas!

    Thanks for having us over to visit.

    We hope you’ll come visit us (#467) and check out our OHOW Giveaway…

  200. Superb!

    Please count me in!




  201. Love these, thank you for sharing with us.

  202. I love your giveaway!! How cute!
    Please feel free to visit my bloggie as well 🙂

  203. This is s great giveaway! Please count me in


  204. I’d love to win your great giveaway.

  205. Superb!

    Please count me in!



  206. Wow! So cute! Please visit my blog: http://emiliesplace.webs.com

  207. Hi there,

    What wonderful pot holders — very creative indeed. 🙂

    If a glass bead necklace sounds good to you, you might want to visit my blog, too. It would be a pleasure to welcome you there.

    Greetings from Munich,

  208. Wonderful! Thank you for this great giveaway! I hope I win:)

  209. Great potholders!

  210. I so need some new potholders. These would be perfect. I love the look of them and the positive messages. Thanks for the chance.

  211. Great giveaway
    thanks for the chance to win

  212. I love this set!

  213. Beautiful and I have to say, the perfect color for my kitchen *wink*

    I am having so much fun ride the magic carpet around the world and seeing such lovely blogs and amazing artisians.

    Thank you for your giveaway, please enter me.

    Take a ride on your own magic carpet over to wwww.goodbadandgottahave.com (#903) and enter my drawing for 2 pairs of handmade earrings!

  214. This would make a great gift for my crafty friend.

  215. So cute and useful too 🙂
    Please enter me into your draw.
    Thank you,
    Sadie x

  216. Thank you for your generosity!
    Please add me to your giveaway and stop by and visit either one of my blogs.

    http://blog.collectiveelements.com #913
    http://www.projectdanielle.com #914

  217. Those potholders are right up my alley. I am both crafty and creative. Please sign me up.

  218. Greetings from Wisconsin! Please enter me in your giveaway, and stop by and enter my OWOH giveaway at Heavenly Humor! (#922)


  219. Thanks for stopping by Cobblestone Creations! ♥
    OWOH #535

    You might also enjoy my other giveaway:

  220. I would love to be entered in your drawing.

  221. Wonderful blog you have here and very generous giveaway. Thanks for the offer, please count me in.
    Teresa aka Tess

  222. those are cute pot holders. Please enter me in your giveaway and enter mine as well (#955)!

  223. Greetings from Manila, Philippines! Thanks for the giveaway ( :

    A_C_E_ at hotmail dot com

  224. Fabulous giveaway!! Please put my name down :o)


  225. yes awesome! they would definitely inspire me as i cook. Cross my fingers =D

  226. Lovely! Thanks for the chance.

  227. These pot holders would be lovely in my kitchen. Thanks.

  228. Hi! I’d love an entry!


  229. very cool – thanks!

  230. What a wonderful giveaway! Not only are they beautiful, but useful too. I was just looking to replace mine since I’ve burned a whole in 1 of them. Please consider me!

    OWOH, #102, #558

  231. Wow, do I need new potholders! Crossing my fingers!

  232. G’day
    Thanks for such great giveaways,
    Please count me in…
    And fly on over to my place… #747
    OOroo… Bethel

  233. How cute (and appropriate) are they!
    Please count me in and feel free to visit my giveaway too. xxx http://aviyaglass.blogspot.com/2010/02/one-world-one-heart-blog-giveaway.html

  234. I love those! And so appropriate for any crafter 😀 Come by and visit my blog if you have a minute and enter my giveaway! http://roseworksjewelry.blogspot.com/2010/01/one-world-one-heart-official-giveaway.html


  235. Hello from Georgia, USA!! I’m really having fun flying from blog to blog and seeing so much talent!
    I’m new to the art world and overwhelmed by all the different kinds of art I might could learn.
    Please enter me and thank you for your generosity!

  236. Pleased to be visiting with One World One heart,I would love to win one of your fab makes. Please add me to your draw

  237. Love the potholders, too cute!
    I am #985 on the magic Carpet Ride


  238. Please include me in your wonderful giveaway.

  239. I don’t cook much but I sure like to eat and promised myself I’ll be crafty this year – can I still qualify? 🙂 I think the embroidery details are too cute.

    (I’m participating this year too. Here’s my post link: http://mythoughtsmyvoice.wordpress.com/2010/01/31/one-world-one-heart-2010-a-little-friend-for-you-too/)

  240. those are so creative and I could really use them. I would probalby just display them since I manage to burn all of my pot holders (and the food I am preparing too LOL) Thanks from the cold Catskills of NY

  241. Ooo, I could really use these! I always seem to be getting my potholders dirty, and then they are in the wash when I need them. I would love to have a few more!


  242. Great Giveaway! Please count me in 🙂 Also drop by my blog and check out my giveaway! Hope you have a great weekend 🙂

    Isn’t this event fantastic!

    Much Love

  243. Wonderful potholders how thoughtful of you to protect our fingers. my blog for my giveaways

  244. Awesome giveaway!
    I am flying on my magic carpet ,visiting from Connecticut. Thanks for the lovely giveaway I am blog #937

  245. Please enter me~I would love to win this great prize 😉


  246. Hello from the north of 60! I hope you are enjoying ride on the Magic Carpet as much as I do. Please throw my name to the hat!

  247. Please enter my name. :0)
    OWOH #1025

  248. I would be happy to win!
    ___________xo ____ xo






  249. What a wonderful giveaway! Please add me. And be sure to stop by my blog, #1018, to enter mine!! Welcome to OWOH!!

  250. Cute kitchen accessories. The color is perfect for my kitchen too!

  251. Such wonderful kitchen accessories and boy do I need some new ones in my kitchen. I would be honored to win those beauties.


  252. Nice! Love the colors too! Thank you so much!
    With love from Tennessee, U.S.A. #1035

  253. I love the pot holders. Please include me in your drawing.

  254. love it! TQ for the opp 🙂

    Grace (OWOH #293)

  255. Please include me in your wonderful giveaway. What a fun blog to visit on the magic carpet. Thank you for sharing! gracebending@yahoo.com


  256. I have a new stove, I have no oven mitts or pot holders. I need these.

    Please add my name. Please stop by my blog, I’m giving away a crazy polymer clay woman face bracelet ticket holder # 807

  257. Hello from Texas. When you get a chance park your carpet at my blog. http://spiceandallthatsnice.blogspot.com/2010/02/one-world-one-heart-giveaway.html

  258. Awesome prizes, please enter me.

  259. gorgeous!!
    please count me in:))


  260. I tell ya what, those charming pads would be very happy in my little vintage kitchen…..

  261. Very nice! I’d love to win.

  262. Lovely giveaway ! Please include me ! Thank you 🙂

  263. Hello from California! 🙂
    Enjoying your blog.
    Lovely give away.
    Tere Carns

    off on a magic carpet ride! * whoosh *
    #956 – Delightful Whimsy- emailwhimsy@yahoo.com

  264. Hello from South Florida, I just love your giveaway! Please count me in.
    Evelyn #540

  265. What a generous give-away you have…I’d love to enter! Your creations are just beautiful…If you haven’t done so already, I’m giving away some goodies as well #135, so please visit my blog and enter mine if you’d like! Thank you, and blessings and love from New Zealand!

  266. Gosh, I really need new potholders!

    What a nice offering. Thanks for being on OWOH so I could find you!

    Enjoy the journey,

    Pam Hoffman at cox dot net OWOH#1083

  267. Folks who bake can never have enough hand protection. Except, these are so pretty I’d almost hate to “gunk” them all up. Thanks for the crafty goodness.

  268. Your giveaway is fabulous! I would love a chance to win. Please add my name to your wonderful drawing! I’m #206 on the magical OWOH ride! Lisa 🙂

  269. Please enter me for the great OHOW giveaway! I would love to win!
    Thanks for letting me visit!
    Stop by to visit me sometime….. http://creativeinkansas.blogspot.com

  270. Hi!! I wanted to address you by your name..but can’t find it anywhere on your blog..though I did look pretty hard for it! Thanks for entering my contest at http://www.thehomemakingarts.blogspot.com. I love your blog. I miss my garden too! I can’t wait for spring when I can post about the peaches and summer for posting my corn shucking experience and peach jelly making. I don’t garden a lot, but I was raised gardening so it happens whether I intend to or not. Thanks for visiting my blog and please enter me in your giveaway!! ‘d love to see you again sometime.

    Donna at http://www.thehomemakingarts.blogspot.com

  271. How pretty. I would love to be entered into you drawing. So glad OWOH brought me to your blog. 🙂


  272. Hi dear!!! I like your idea! It’s very Awesome! I wish to ALL who will participate in this wonderfull give-away, Big Good Luck! Yohooooo! 😉

  273. How fun it would be to win these beautiful pot holders and think of your amazing talent each time I use them! Thanks for the giving away a piece of yourself.

  274. Hello. I am just discovering blogs and love meeting crafters from around the world.

    Kim from Cape Breton, Nova Scotia, Canada

  275. Such a treat to see, please enter me in your giveaway and stop by to enter mine as well!


  276. I am in dire need of pan holders and oven mitts! Great giveaway.

  277. Hi, please enter my name in the giveaway. Thanks so much for participating in the 2010 OWOH Magic Carpet ride. Hugs Naomi

  278. thanks for this chance,

  279. How nice! I’d love to be included for the draw.

    Do stop by mine when you can, if you haven’t already. =)

    OWOH #931

  280. Thank you for your participation in this year’s One World One Heart event,
    I hope you’re having a wonderful journey flying around the globe meeting lots of new people!
    I would be honored to enter your giveaway,
    Lisa Swifka

  281. Lovely! I’m 719 if you have time! Jan

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